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Monday, February 14, 2011

Firestone Double Barrel Ale (DBA)

Firestone Walker Brewery is located in Paso Robles California. The brewery has become increasingly popular over the years and can be found in restaurants and bars throughout California and it's surrounding states. Although this brewery is known for their quality brews, I must admit that I just wasn't impressed with this beer. The double barrel ale is fermented in a oak barrel brewing system to give it it's unique taste. The beer is crafted as a British Pale Ale and is the flagship of the Firestone Walker Brewery., a reputable beer rating site, rates the DBA an overall B; with that in mind, I went out and purchased the beer thinking it would be something enjoyable while giving me something new for my palette. The beer poured a nice rich amber color with a crisp white head, although the head seemed to diminish quite rapidly. The aroma was herbal and toasty with a distinct oak scent there were also hints of vanilla and pine from the noble hops. The taste was just not what I was expecting. Although there was a taste of malt and oak, it was not very complex. It was light and crisp, but almost tasted like a watered down ale, the hoppy pine smell did not transfer over to taste.

1 comment:

  1. I love your site. I am also a big fan of beer therefore it is nice seeing reviews of different types of beer you can't get from Ralph's. Out of all the types of beers my favorite is Indian Pale Ale, or just pale ale in general. I like the bitter taste with a very distinct aroma. Stone IPA is also one of my favorites.
